Hondenschool en Opleidingscentrum: 0619760284 | Gedragstherapie en Somethin - Spicy: 0654967844 happytails@hetnet.nl
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Welkom bij Somethin’ Spicy Australian shepherds & Labrador Retrievers.

Wij zijn onze Australian shepherd kennel gestart in 2000 en hebben sinds die tijd af en toe een nest gehad. We doen ons uiterste best om gezonde, sociale en werklustige Australian shepherds te fokken. Uiteraard worden de puppen in huis geboren en grootgebracht en doen we er alles aan om ze goed te socialiseren, wat ongelofelijk belangrijk is voor dit ras. Op onze facebookpagina’s https://www.facebook.com/karen.mulders.5 en https://www.facebook.com/amyenkate en op onze Somethin’ Spicy facebookpagina vind je regelmatig filmpjes van onze geweldige Aussies. We werken zelf veel met onze honden, met name dog frisbee is onze gezamenlijke passie. Vanwege de vele contacten die we hebben met aussiefokkers en -eigenaren in het buitenland is onze site deels in het Engels en deels in het Nederlands.


Welcome to Somethin’ Spicy Australian Shepherds & Labrador Retriever, Aussie breeders since 2000

We are proud of our Amy and Kate who qualified for the European Championships and World Championships dog frisbee 2013 and 2014. They competed in Italy beginning of September 2013 and in Florida end of September 2013. Amy and Kate were best Dutch competitors at the EC and best Europeans at the WC. Our daughter Amy was only 8 years old, is the youngest competitor ever at an EC and WC. For 2 year old aussie Kate the WC was the 4th competition, so they both did a wonderful job and had a great time. In 2014 they competed in Chicago at the WC and got 7th place in the Freestyle finals. At the European Championships they ended up on the 3rd place. Awesome…. What a team! In 2015 and 2016 both Ross and Kate qualified for the EC and WC. They did great at the EC in Spain and Hungary and the WC in Los Angeles and Kansas City. And in 2017 Taylor, Ross, Apryl and Kate qualified for the EC and WC!!! In 2018 Amy, Kate & Ross competed in the EC Switzerland, WC Chicago and WC Netherlands. They did an awesome job and came home with lots of awards. But, most important of all, they are having tons of fun together. In 2019 Lewis and Apryl and Amy, Kate and Wish competed at the World Championships in Chicago. In 2022 Amy & Kate, Ross, Wish and Hazel are qualified for both UFO World Cup Finals and the AWI EC and WC.

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Amy & Kate in het nieuws


Amy & Kate in Chicago