Touchstone Xtra Xtra Spicy a.k.a. Kate

Date of birth: 23 January 2011

Sex: Female
Colour: blue merle with copper and white
Kate is registered with ASCA and FCI

Sire: Coronado’s Exclusive Sensation (WTCH Mistrettas Bandito Ballou CD RTDsc x Can-Ams Calais of Mistretta)

Dam: Touchstone Antique Artistry (ASCA/Can Ch. Trijems Flys Above the Crowd OtddSTDsc x Touchstone Eye of the Storm)

Pedigree: stamboom Kate

Also watch Amy & Kates own facebook page, With lots of movies and pics (and fun!!!!).




Kate is co-owned with Lisa Cameron (Touchstone Aussies)

Health checks:

– Hips: A HD Kate

– Eyes: clear, HSF4 and CEA clear HSF 4 Kate 

– Elbows: clear ED Kate

– MDR1 free MDR1 Kate

-DM free DM Kate

We are so happy with this gorgeous looking girl; she is a wonderful family member with her wiggly butt. She has lots of working instincts, very focused and she loves to play frisbee! I picked her up in the States on the 31st of March 2011, together with her half brother Jake. She is all we wanted…. A beautiful girl in every way. Amy did the puppy training with her and now she’s in the obedience class. She already got a Dutch certificate for Social Pet. Both Lewis and Amy play frisbee with her and Amy started competing with her in 2012. In 2013 they qualified for the European and World Championships after just one competition, so we went to both Italy and Florida. A year later, 2014, Amy and Kate competed in Chicago. In 2015 in Los Angeles. And in 2016 in Kansas City. Kate is a great furry friend, and a wonderful frisbee player. Multi European and world finalist. 3rd place European Championships 2014. 4th place EC 2016. 10th place World Finals 2015. Check out their own facebook page, with lots of nice pics and movies. She’s awesome, such a little fast, agile and focused dog. Kate is also a miracle in calming signals towards other dogs, especially dogs that show stress or fear. She does a hell of a job already on the dog training school!

Check our puppy page for the Kate puppy pics. 

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Our trips to Italy and Miami, European and World Championships! 

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 IMG_3618 klaar voor vertrek, schiphol versace

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On holiday in Austria 2012

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Kate joined us to Sevilla in Spain and Portugal September 2012. Karen gave seminars about dog behaviour for the people working in the dog shelters.

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Kate in Spain September 2012

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