
Somethin’ Spicy Amazing Grace (Grace)

Date of birth: 20 March ’08

Sex: Female
Colour: blue merle with copper and white
Tail: long
Gracie is registered with ASCA and FCI

Sire: Intl CH CKC CH. Mistretta’s Bear Named Balou STDs STDsc DNA-VP

Dam: Somethin’ Spicy Twice the Spice

Health checks:

– Hips: A
– Eyes Clear until December 16

Pedigree: Scanstamboomgrace


Grace is everything I was hoping for. Agile, pretty, lots of will to please, very focused, a bit reserved, social towards people she knows and towards other dogs, and a truly versatile dog. Grace is my co-worker every day at my dog training school. She helps me with teaching, she’s great with the littlest puppies like chihuahuas and yorkshire terriers, she is also correcting the bulldozer puppies and helps the frightened dogs. She loves hiking in the forest, playing with balls, playing dog frisbee and she past her first exam before reaching the age of 1 year. She passed the “Social Pet exam”.

I was looking for a second Tigger and there she is! My Amazing Grace. She is where I am. And I’m so happy with this blue eyed amazing girl. She is also a great family dog, our daughter Amy can play with her very nicely and she’s very patient with our Lewis. She’s great with the smallest puppies in puppy class and she calms agressive dogs during behavioural therapy so nicely. Our daughter Amy is competing with Grace and they’ve been winning big time! They won the first place at the European Cup Finals with the juniors. Check some awesome pics herunder!

Grace gave us three beautiful litters. She has a lot of working instinct and will pass that to her pups. In the meantime we very much enjoy having her and work with her! Hereunder a bunch of nice pics, i.e. Amy winning first and second place at the European Cup Finals junior handling and 5 year old Amy in action with Grace! It all looks awesome, a little girl having so much fun with her dogs. However, Amy grows up between the dogs and at the dog training school. She has shared many hours watching and training since she was a toddler. It’s absolutely not a common thing that a young girl can cooperate with a dog like Amy does. And definitely not with aussies! We are very careful with placing our aussies with families with small children. Aussies are not the easiest dogs with children and visitors…..







IMG_3980honden 028Amy&Grace6

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Playing frisbee with Amy in Switzerland. Grace in her favorite elephant chair during holiday in Italy

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Grace with her mommy Spice and her siblings, with Amy 2 weeks old and playing with 5 year old Amy in Karlsruhe, Germany

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Grace in Val Senales, Italy, Grace in Germany and Grace just born

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Grandma Tigger & Grace playing during our holiday in Italy

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Karen & Grace dogdance and Amy playing frisbee during a MAD show

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grace12weeksLago di Garda, 2008jonessirmioneSirmione, Lago di Garda Italia